Friday, January 22, 2010

The ManVan

The story of the ManVan goes something like this...

Wes desperately wanted a car in Fernie so that we could maximise our time here, do roadtrips and generally live like kings. Claire absolutely did not want a car in Fernie because Fernie is a small town where most regular people rely on walking or hitching. The size of this town really doesn't warrant a car.

After a few days of lengthy discussion Claire gave in, and within 2 hours of giving in, we became the (semi) proud owners of a Green Dodge caravan sport!
Claire found out that during the discussion process Wes was doing a fair amount of car research on the side so that when the agreement was reached there would be no time wasted in making the purchase.
Wes is absolutely thrilled and everytime we jump in our ManVan he sings the little tune "On the road again..."

I'm gradually getting used to it, and despite telling Wes that we cannot possibly use the Van as an excuse to be lazy, have been caught driving to the gym (of all places), which is a total of 450m from our house - whoops!

The good news is that in the first week the Van has only broken down once with a flat battery. But we aren't being put off, because on 10 Feb we are doing a 2 day road trip to Vegas, so hopefully it lives long enough to see us safely to Vegas and back.

In other news, Claire is now a qualified ski instructor after passing the 4 day CSIA level 1 instructor's course. I don't really have any intention of teaching but it did wonders for my skiing.

Wes jumped on skis for the first time in 10 years and proved to be quite the maestro. On run number 2 he made his way nicely down a black run, weaving in and out of trees, carving up the crusty powder, and later on he even hiked up in his size 13 ski boots to the very top of the Lizard Bowl to try out the powder. Very very impressive Wes!!

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