Monday, February 8, 2010


*It seems Wes can't be trusted to write a post, so I've taken over temporarily to give an update on a few recent highlights :) 

It snowed this week and we had a couple of days of fresh powder, but it hasn't quite snowed enough to meet our needs, and the locals are close to doing a snow dance to bring on some flurries!! 

Despite this, Wes and I have both went snowmobiling separately with our respective employers. The excuse was that we needed to understand snowmobiling so that we could then sell the product to our guests both at the ski resort, and in Wes' case, at Lizard Creek Lodge. Well, we both thoroughly enjoyed the tours, but given we both only work twice a week, I'm not sure how much selling we'll really be doing, but don't tell anyone. We raced around the cat tracks at lightening speed, stopping for hot dogs and hot choccies up the mountain, and then whizzing back again. It was a 2.5 hour trip and a fantastic perk from work.Thank you Fernie!

We squeezed in a road trip to Kimberley, a neighboring ski resort only 1.5 hours away. 7 of us piled into the Man Van, with another 2 in the support vehicle following with all our gear, and we spent a day carving up the slopes with our friends. 

It was a full moon the other night and so at about 10.30pm Wes and a couple of mates hiked up the ski hill to check it out at night. It was a fair trek by all accounts, but absolutely stunning up there, lit up only by the moon, as you can see from the photo below!

Tomorrow we head off on a holiday (from this extended holiday). Straight after work tomorrow we are driving across the border to Montana to spend a night in "Motel 6" in Kalispell. The following day we will fly to Vegas for 2 nights of partying, gambling and fun fun fun, staying at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino!!! Then on Friday we fly to complete and utter luxury - to the Caribbean for a 10 day cruise!!! We will fill you in on that incredible luxury when we return, so tune in again in 2 weeks to see the piccies!!!

Until then!!!

Claire and Wes  

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