Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chilli Con Carne

Each day is getting colder and colder!!

We've been assured by the locals that Fernie is currently in a cold snap and it will get warmer, but this morning we woke up to a chilly -27 degrees and its only December. Unfortunately Wes had to face the frost head on and go to work at 6am this morning, for a 7am start. We continue to hitchhike, meaning Wes had to wait in the freezing cold for that nice person to stop and pick him up this morning. There's nothing better than getting into a warm car or coming back to our warm house with the fire raging after a stint outside!

Last weekend was the official opening ski weekend for Fernie. On Saturday Wes went snowboarding with our new housemate Kelly (who conveniently is a snowboard instructor). He managed to keep up with her all day and the report from both of them was that the snow up the top of the mountain was fantastic. Lots of powder (which Fernie is famous for) and overall great conditions.

I have the week off work and have been wanting to ski, but it hasn't snowed for a week or so and the fear of frostbite is scaring me away. I've promised to go up tomorrow with Wes. Excited about testing out my brand new White Nordica Ski Boots which have built in battery powered heaters!

The Ghostriders won on Saturday night so we used that as an excuse to go out and celebrate. Needless to say we didn't end up skiing on Sunday.


  1. Hey Wes, have written you an email in facebook, can you please read and get back to me asap - thanks heaps! Hope you and the lovely Claire are good, really impressed with your blog, love the updates :)

  2. are you guys still alive... or have you frozen over there????
