Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 1: The Trip Begins


And we're off!!

In order to ensure Wes didn't miss this crucial flight, my cunning plan was to get to the airport 3 hours before take-off. However, unfortunately it was only a domestic flight to Brisbane so 3 hours was overkill - sorry Wes!

Neverthless, we said our sad farwells to our families and boarded our Virgin Blue flight to Brisbane, our V Australia flight to LA, Air Canada to Vancouver, and Air Canada to Calgary. 36 hours after saying goodbye (and only $900 later - good work Wes), we arrived in Calgary complete with all our luggage. It was a bit touch and go in Vancouver as we were held up at immigration trying to secure our Working Holiday Visa, and we had to run to the plane once we were approved. But we made it.

Phil, the father of Wes' work mate Sarah, picked us up from Calgary airport. Thankfully Sarah had sent us a photo of her parents so we picked him out of the crowd. Sarah's parents were wondefully generous and took us in for 2 days, let us use their place, their internet, their phone and they fed us some traditional Canadian slice, similar to Mars Bar Slice, so we were set. What a fantastic start. We feared jet lag would get us, but we managed to get 13 hours of sleep meaning we were pumped for a day of shopping!!!

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