Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We got jobs!

After 3 weeks of blissful unemployment, we are back in the workforce.

It was good while it lasted!

(Photo: main street, Fernie)
Day 7 (Tuesday)

Today we landed a flatmate for our empty room, I landed a job, Claire landed 2 jobs and we both had an exciting surprise.

After a rigorous selection process, during which we considered 3 potential flat mates for our spare room in the basement, we selected Kelly, who is an Aussie who has been on a working holiday for the last 7 years. We haven't met her yet, but had some good chats over the phone and she sounds lovely. Kelly will be arriving on the midnight bus a week from now.

Unfortunately we had to reject Damian (Tassie) and Nick (Canada) who were both very nice, but we thought that 2 guys and 2 girls in the house would give a good dynamic.

(Photo: our new home)
Our landlord is actually leaving for Panama with his family a few days early which is great news, allowing us to move in this Saturday instead of next Tuesday. This is one move I am looking forward to (don't think we'll need the removalists this time) given we each only have 2 bags.

(Photos: Our bedroom at the Royal, Common Kitchen at the Royal)
The Royal Hotel, has now become our home, and we are quite fond of it. It is actually quite clean, (albeit a bit "tired") and the fellow residents are all really nice. Contrary to my expectations of pub residents, there are no seedy middle aged men living here, in fact we are probably the oldest. Most people are living here for the season, preferring the all inclusive rent to the effort and gamble of finding a house and flatmates that they might not get along with.
The Royal has a free weekly poker game which Claire and I played in. There we 27 players all up, and Claire and I both did surprisingly well. I made the final table and finished seventh, missing out on the major prize of some new Oakley goggles. However I did win a free board tune. It was lots of fun and I think we'll be both back next week. I may have even done better if I took up the option of buying back in. All you need to do is buy a shot from the bar (2 shot limit).
The poker night is much better than Drum and Bass Night, which is VERY loud, even the sound-check prevented us from being able to watch TV in the common room.
My job is the one I mentioned previously that we were both interviewed for, Front Desk at Lizard Creek Lodge which was my first preference. I have my first shift very soon, so I will wrap up the blog for now and start getting dressed. I will leave Claire to tell all about her job (which she is currently at) in the next blog.
Before I go though, the exciting surprise is that due to great early season snowfall, the ski hill is opening this weekend for a preview weekend (a week ahead of schedule). Everyone in town is pumped, including myself!

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