Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Camping in April!!!

During our last week in Fernie, we decided to have a real Canadian camping experience with a bunch of our Fernie mates.  Although most of our mates thought we were utterly crazy to go camping in APRIL, we decided to brave it.

We loaded up our van with all the best fire wood from our house, and took off in a 3 car convoy to Lune Lake, near the US-Canadian border.  One of our friends Zane had a fully equipped campervan that looked like a Mr Whippy truck, so we were completely kitted out.

The weather was balmy and so we set ourselves up with a roaring bonfire, deck chairs, hot dogs and plenty of alcohol to keep us warm. We had a fantastic time, and the alcohol allowed us to forget that the grizzly bears were out of hibernation. Our blow up bed deflated during the night so we kept each other nice and warm.

We also got to taste the traditional Canadian camping treat called Smorgs. For the uninitiated, Smorgs are chocolate and mashmellow between two biscuits wrapped in foil and melted in the fire.

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