Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hot Dog Day!

The one day that marks the end of the ski season is HOT DOG DAY! On this day in April, everyone in Fernie dresses up in crazy 1980s ski gear and hits the slopes for a massive day of partying. Think, tight ski pants, one pieces, fluro headgear and general lack of fashion sense. I got the feeling most people raided their parents closets.
We got all kitted up and went up the hill for a day of skiing and beers with people looking as ridiculous as us. The ski hill doesn’t actually condone Hot Dog Day, so it is all a bit covert, which makes it pretty funny. They screen people for alcohol as they load the chairlifts, and confiscate any findings.
Up on one of the ski runs there was an impromptu party with everyone getting loose and doing crazy ski jumps, some completely naked. After the hill closed, everyone went back into the resort for a MASSIVE party in the plaza. It was packed full of 1980s ski bums and everyone was in the best form, partying to the best of 1908s music. One of the best parties of the season, without a doubt!

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