Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Leaving Fernie

At 3am on 19 April we walked out of our wonderful little house and lugged all our belongings to the bus stop. It was rather eerie leaving our little home in the middle of the night and jumping on our bus, knowing we wouldn’t be coming back for a long while. It was really rather sad to say goodbye to the place we had called home for the last 5 months, and the place where we had the best time of our lives. 

After 17 hours on the Greyhound bus (Canada haven’t really grasped the best way to do public transport), we arrived in Vancouver and met our friends Georgia and Marty who had moved there from Fernie only 2 weeks prior.  We had 3 fun nights at their little abode in Vancouver while trying to sort out our plans. Remember, we had only sold our car the day before, so we had made ZERO plans on what to do next as all was contingent on selling the car. On one night out with our Vancouver friends we went to the Mongolian Grill that Wes had raved about for months. Well, it was excellent and lived up to Wes hype! After completely stuffing ourselves we decided to hit the Vancouver nightlife, and ended up at the busiest club in town, which turned out to be a Gay Bar. We all danced the night away and had a ball until the wee hours of the morning.

Some other interesting snippets of our Vancouver encounter were:

-          Claire collecting her new travel pack that she purchased off Craigs List

-          Observing the annual  4-20 demonstration – (April 20, public protests to legalise marijuana, lots of people smoking and selling BC Bud, including the biggest joint ever.

-          A spending spree at MEC on travelling clothes (including some more travel undies for me and some travel pants and shorts)

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